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​ABA Services

If you have a child that needs assistance with ABA autism therapy, we are the trusted place for you. Our autism specialists are highly trained and able to teach your child skills he or she needs. Recognizing autism signs can be a challenging time for any family. However, Expanding Horizons is here to help with our excellent and effective therapy services for kids with autism. You never have to feel like you have no place to turn because we are here to help.

Part of addressing challenging behaviors is to understand what is causing them in the first place. Our counseling clinic will start with an applied behavior analysis to uncover the root cause of the challenging behavior, which will help us put together an individualized treatment plan. We’ll then provide you and the rest of your family with strategies to decrease – and learn to prevent – these challenging behaviors. As we work through the treatment plan, we’ll continually measure your child’s progress to determine how well the plan is working.

When you work with us, neither you nor your child are alone. If you are interested in our ABA services call Expanding Horizons today in St Cloud, FL. Let us do an applied behavior analysis and help with our excellent behavioral counseling services.